Use this step-by-step guide to assess your wellbeing and understand how the nine dimensions of wellbeing (yes, nine!) add up to self-care.
Pricing doesn't just affect profitability. It also can have a big impact on the decisions clients make about their animals' care.
Create a workplace that supports wellbeing development— where everyone can thrive! In this 12-page handout, get 100 tips that you can apply at the individual and organizational level to support a culture of wellbeing.
Setting boundaries in your professional and personal life helps safeguard both your mental and physical health. This article explains why—and offers practical tips to help you set and enforce healthy boundaries.
Sometimes the hardest part of a patient’s diagnosis is delivering the news to the client. The upside is that client communication is a procedure you can master and feel good about! In this brief article, learn how to use your words as medical tools and bond-builders with your clients.
Many early-career veterinarians question whether they’re prepared to do the work they’re hired to do. This helpful guide shows you how to overcome the “impostor” feeling and recognize your strengths. (The guide is written for graduate students but also applicable to early-career veterinarians.)
If you’re having a difficult time repaying your veterinary student loans after graduation, it’s important to know your options.
Some of the best and most effective ways to care for yourself involve bringing positive practices into your daily life. Check out some lifestyle changes that can lead to lasting benefits.
Handling ethical dilemmas is a common contributor to poor wellbeing in veterinary medicine. Discover what moral stress is and how to tell if you may be suffering from it. Plus, find a list of helpful resources to go to for help.
Learn how your peer, Dr. Dani McVety, takes an honest look at how’s she feeling and discovers her issue is NOT running out of compassion—but something else that’s just as important.